About the project:

Organ, tissue or cell transplantation from a healthy donor to a specific patient is a complex process involving a large number of highly specialized procedures. The goal of the TRIMMUS project is to replace manual data transfers between workplaces and systems, and to automate as many routine activities as possible in order to reduce the risk of human error and increase the speed of individual processes.


At the end of the first year of the project, we have a stable and functional prototype of the future solution available.


At the end of the second year of the project, we have functional software containing the majority of the planned functions. We look forward to complete the development and validation of the entire project together in 2023.


The addition of new features to the project scope in the summer of 2023 has further increased the project yield for our target audiences, helping to cover more of their relevant process workflows. At the end of this year of the project, we have functional software containing the majority of the planned functions. Looking forward to jointly finish development and validation in 2024.

Beneficiary and project partners:

Steiner, s.r.o.
Oslo University Hospital HF

The TRIMMUS project benefits from a € 1.4 mil. grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants and the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.
The project is carried out under the KAPPA funding programme for applied research, experimental development and innovation, managed by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.