
About the project:

The project aimed to comprehensively investigate the use of different iron-based (nano)materials, with a preference of novel materials, such as sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron, for the remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with metal(loid)s from all perspectives, including the ecotoxicological aspect, which is crucial for further practical application in real-world conditions.


The project started at the laboratory scale during its first year and subsequently moved to the field. The laboratory results could, to some extent, be transferable to field conditions. The studied materials were efficient at decreasing soluble metal(loid) fractions in soils (especially after three months), in some cases in plant biomass, and during groundwater remediation.


The involvement of Norwegian partners was intensive during the second year of the project: As planned, the partners from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology were involved in XP analyses, which are crucial for the interpretation of the results, specifically for evaluation of changes in the speciation of iron and metallic contaminants after the application of Fe-based amendments to contaminated soils. To be able to evaluate the method and methodology of measurements prior to analysis of the samples from the field application, samples from pre-experiments with incubations of the bare nZVI and SnZVI in alluvial soil under field conditions for the period up to 5 months were analyzed first. This part of the project was managed by the partners from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.


The project has started at the laboratory scale and moved to field applications, using complex geochemical, hydropedological, reactivetransport modeling and biological approaches. The results include 2 EU ETV verified technologies, 2 verified technologies and several scientific articles.

Beneficiary and project partners:

Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
Norwegian Institute for Water Research
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Univerzita Karlova

The project Nanoremediation of contaminated soils: Technology implementation with respect to ecotoxicological aspects benefits from a € 1.5 mil. grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants and the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic within the KAPPA Programme.