ERA-MIN3, starting officially on December 1, 2020, is a global, innovative and flexible pan-European network of 26 European and non-European research funding organisations, aiming to continue strengthening the mineral raw materials community through the coordination of research and innovation programmes on non-fuel and non-food raw materials (metallic, construction, and industrial minerals). ERA-MIN3 builds on the experience of the H2020 ERA-MIN 2 (2016-2022) and FP7 ERA-NET ERA-MIN (2011-2015).
The EU Co-funded ERA-MIN Joint Call 2021 will be the first joint call of the ERA-NET Cofund ERA-MIN3, to be officially launched on the 15th of January, 2021, and will count with an indicative budget of €19 Million.
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR) will support successful Czech applicants and their projects with the amount of 1 000 000 EUR. Both enterprises and research organizations can apply for TACR funding. Funding rules for the Czech applicants are defined by a funding programme EPSILON.
The scope of the 2021 Call is needs-driven research addressing three segments of non-fuel, non-food raw materials: metallic materials; construction materials; industrial minerals.
The five main call topics are:
- Topic 1. Supply of raw materials from exploration and mining
- Topic 2. Circular Design
- Topic 3. Processing, Production and Remanufacturing
- Topic 4. Recycling and Re-use of End-of-Life Products Recycling and Re-use of End-of-Life Products
- Topic 5: Cross-cutting topics.
The participating national and regional funding organisations are the following:
EU countries/regions and research funding organisations:
Belgium-Flanders (FWO and Hermesfonds/VLAIO); Belgium-Wallonia (SPW-Recherche); Bulgaria (BNSF); Czech Republic (TA CR); Estonia (ETAg); Finland (Business Finland); France (ADEME and ANR); Germany (BMBF/JÜLICH); Ireland (GSI), Italy (MUR); Poland (NCBR); Portugal (FCT); Romania (UEFISCDI); Slovakia (SAS); Slovenia (MIZS); Spain (AEI and CDTI); Spain – Navarra (CFNA); Sweden (Vinnova).
EU Associated country: Turkey (TUBITAK)
Non-EU countries: Canada-Québec (PRIMA-Québec); Chile (ANID) (to be confirmed) and South-Africa (DST).
For further information, please visit website or