On 17 May 2023, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as „TA CR”) announced the fifth public call in the Programme for Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation DELTA 2.
The announcement of the public call was published by TA CR in the Commercial Bulletin and the Information System for Research, Experimental Development, and Innovation.
This call is aimed at supporting international cooperation in the field of applied research through joint projects of Czech entities supported by TA CR and foreign partners with the expected support of foreign institutions. Its main objective is to increase the number of outputs and results in areas that are promising for the future of the participating countries. Another objective is also to promote the transfer of international knowledge, share good practices, and facilitate the penetration of foreign markets.
The project proposal shall be submitted in English.
TA CR also recommends that the applicant switches to the English version of ISTA via the flag icon in the top right corner after logging in.
Foreign partners must be based in one of the following localities:
Locality | Foreign partner agency | Abbreviation |
Republic of Korea | Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning | KETEP |
Saxony, Federal Republic of Germany | Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport | SMWA |
State of Israel | Israel Innovation Authority | IIA |
Taiwan | Ministry of Economic Affairs | MoEA |
Taiwan | National Science and Technology Council | NSTC |
United States of America | Department of Energy of the United States of America | DOE |
The Call Period begins on May 18, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. and ends on July 19, 2023, at the times indicated below:
- 16:29:59 – This is the latest possible time to submit a project proposal through the ISTA information system;
- 23:59:59 – is the latest possible moment to send the following documents via your mailbox:
- Confirmation of submission of the electronic project proposal, which must be sent by the lead applicant;
- Evidence of eligibility is to be sent by each applicant separately.
Data box ID TA CR: afth9xp
Detailed information necessary for the preparation and submission of the project proposal, including details on the evaluation method and criteria, can be found in the Call documentation and other documents associated with the call for proposals. The ISTA Information System includes help sheets to assist you in completing the project proposal.
TA CR will not organize any webinars for this public call. During the call period, TA CR will publish an information presentation on its website summarising the terms and conditions of the public call.
TA CR further informs applicants that it will only accept such project proposals whose applicants (i.e. the main applicant and another participant):
- publish the financial statements in the public register – for entities that have this obligation for a period of three years (2019, 2020, 2021);
- do not meet the definition of a company in difficulty;
- are registered in the register of beneficial owners by the end of the call period, i.e. by 19/07/2023;
- meet the other conditions set out in the Call documentation.
Do you have any questions? You can ask it via HELPDESK. You can also contact the regional representatives of the TA CR.
In order to eliminate corrupt influences during the call process, TA CR asks all applicants to inform the company immediately of any alleged corrupt activity of which they become aware. Notification, together with a description of the relevant facts, can make it much easier for the TA CR to identify and eliminate possible corrupt efforts. Complaints concerning suspicions of corrupt practices or other unfair activities may notify according to the procedure on the website of TA CR.
Call documentation
Zadávací dokumentace (CZ)
Call documentation (EN)
Příloha č. 1 – Specifické podmínky jednotlivých zahraničních organizací (CZ)
Annex No. 1 – Specific conditions of individual foreign organizations (EN)
Příloha č. 2 – Hodnoticí proces (CZ)
Annex No. 2 – Evaluation process (EN)
Related documentation and forms
Všeobecné podmínky v7 (CZ)
General Terms and Conditions v7 (EN)
Smlouva o poskytnutí podpory (CZ)
Rozhodnutí o poskytnutí podpory (CZ)
Čestné prohlášení za uchazeče/Sworn statement of the applicant (CZ/EN)
Čestné prohlášení o složení konsorcia (CZ)
Common Proposal (EN)
Form Pre-existent knowledge (EN)
Formulář pro druh výsledku Nmet/Form for result of the Nmet type (CZ/EN)
Additional documentation
Výzkumná data a otevřený přístup k výstupům/výsledkům (CZ)
Research data and open access to outputs/results (EN)
Plán správy dat – TA ČR (CZ)
Data Management Plan – TA CR (EN)
Plán správy dat – Horizont Evropa (CZ/EN)
Výklad podmínek uznatelnosti nákladu dle Všeobecných podmínek verze č. 7 (ze dne 7. 2. 2023) (CZ)
Karty tematických oblastí RIS3 strategie ČR (CZ)
The public call was announced in accordance with Act No. 130/2002 Coll., on support for research, experimental development, and innovation from public funds and amendments to certain related acts, in accordance with the Framework for State Aid for Research, Development, and Innovation 2014/C 198/01 and in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 of 17 June 2014.
17. 5. 2023